Using the Page Navigator Pane

Using the Page Navigator Pane

Using the Page Navigator Pane

The Page Navigator pane is useful when you are working on multi-page documents. You can do all of the page navigation and operations related to pages.

The Page Navigator pane can be placed or docked vertically or horizontally.


To Open the Page Navigator Pane

Do one of the following:

  • Select the Page Navigator checkbox from the Panes panel in the View tab of the Ribbon.

  • Click the Launch button from the Pages panel in the Layout tab of the Ribbon.

  • Click the current page indicator in the Status bar.

A picture containing light, object

Description automatically generated

You can toggle the Page Navigator between “Shown” and “Hidden” by clicking the current page indication in the Status bar.


To Add a Blank Page

  1. Select the page after which you want to add a new blank page.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click the New Page icon.

    • Right-click on the focused page. Select New Page from the context menu. The focused page has the thick orangish frame.

The blank page in the size and orientation of the focused page will be added after the focused page.

When you select more than one page, the blank page in the size and orientation of the last page in the selection will be added after the last page in the selection instead.


To Duplicate a Page

  1. Select the page or pages that you want to duplicate.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Duplicate Page icon.

    • Right-click and select Duplicate Pages from the context menu.

The selected page or pages will be duplicated after the last page in the selection.

You can select pages only sequentially such as Page #1 and Page #2 by Shift-click. You cannot select Page #1 and #3, for instance.


To Copy, Cut and Paste Pages

  1. Select a page or pages that you want to copy or cut.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Right-click. Select Copy or Cut from the context menu.

    • Press Ctrl+C (Copy) or Ctrl+X (Cut).

  3. Select the page after which you want to paste the pages.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Right-click. Select Paste from the context menu.

    • Press Ctrl+V.

A picture containing light, object

Description automatically generated

You can copy, cut, and paste pages between Envision instances.


To Insert Multiple Blank Pages

  1. Select the page after which you want to add a new blank page.

  2. Right-click on the focused page and select Insert Pages from the context menu.

  3. Set the options.

  4. Click OK.

Insert Pages Options



Number of pages

Set how many pages you want to insert in the edit box.


The focused page is displayed in the Position drop-down list by default. If you want to change it, select another page. Select how you want to insert pages, either Before or After the specified page.


Select either Blank or Duplicate. When you select the Duplicate radio button, you can specify which page should be duplicated. The focused page is displayed in the Duplicate Page drop-down list by default. If you want to change it, select another page.


To Delete Pages

  1. Select a page or pages that you want to delete.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Delete icon.

    • Right-click and select Delete Pages from the context menu.

  3. When you try to delete the pages that contain some objects, the following warning message dialog box is displayed. If you do not want to see this warning again for the same session, select the Don’t show again checkbox.

  4. Click OK to proceed the deletion.

To Rename a Page

  1. Select a page that you want to rename.

  2. Right-click on it.

  3. Select Rename Page from the context menu.

  4. Type a new name in the Rename Page dialog box.

  5. Click OK.

To Move Pages

  1. Select a page or pages that you want to move.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Drag the thumbnails to the new position in the Page Navigator pane.

    • Right-click and select Move Pages from the context menu. Set the options and click OK.


Sometimes you may want to export your documents hiding some pages. When you set those pages “hidden” in the Page Navigator pane, you can select “Skip hidden pages” in the Export Options dialog boxes when it is available.  Also, hidden pages will be automatically skipped for the presentation mode.

To Hide Pages

  1. Select a page or pages that you want to hide.

  2. Right-click and select Hide Pages from the context menu.

When pages are hidden, they will be indicated with gray smoke screen and the hidden icon  at the top left corner of each thumbnail.

You can show all hidden pages by selecting Show All Hidden Pages from the context menu.

To Change Page Orientation

  1. Select a page or pages that you want to change the page orientation of.

  2. Right-click and select either Landscape or Portrait from Page Orientation submenu in the context menu.


When you need to change the page unit and page scale, you can do it from the Page Setup dialog box.

To Change Page Unit and Scale

  1. Right-click and select Page Setup from the context menu.

  2. Select a page unit from the drop-down list.

  3. Select a page scale from the drop-down list. When you want to set a custom scale, click  icon.

  4. Set the new scale and click OK in the Set Page Scale.

For example


Page distance: 1 inch

World distance: 1 foot


Scale = 1 : 12

  1. Click OK in the Page Setup to execute the changes.

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