Using the 3D Properties pane

Using the 3D Properties pane

Using the 3D Properties pane

You can use the 3D Properties pane to change various settings.

To Show or Hide the Properties Pane

Select or deselect the 3D Properties checkbox from the Panes panel in the View tab of the Ribbon.

There are mainly 5 states:

  • Nothing is selected.

  • A part is selected.

  • Multiple parts are selected.

  • An offset line is selected.

  • A cutting plane is selected.

You can type a part of or entire option name in the Search field to show the items that meet that criteria. Click X icon that is located at the right side of the field to show all.


When there is no selection, it looks like this.


Category – Item Name


Object Rendering


Width (document unit)

Set the width of 3D Model object.

Height (document unit)

Set the height of 3D Model object.

Ghost Opacity

Set the opacity of ghosted parts from 0% (totally transparent) to 100% (totally opaque).

Cut Face Color

Set the color of cut faces that are created by cutting planes. Click the drop-down icon and specify a new color.

Render Quality

Select the rendering quality from: LowMediumHighVery High. As the level increases, the render quality increases.


Set antialiasing from: OffLowMedium, High. As the level increases, the degree of antialiasing increases.


Lighting Mode

Select a predefined lighting mode with 1, 2, or 3 light sources from different directions which shows varied lighting characteristics: Default (2 lights)Mode 1 (1 light)Mode 2 (2 lights)Mode 3 (3 lights)Mode 4 (3 lights).

Lights Diffuse

Set the intensity of diffuse lights from 1% to 100%.

Lights Specular

Set the intensity of specular lights from 1% to 100%.

Lights Ambient

Set the intensity of ambient lights from 1% to 100%.

Set as default

Click this button when you want to use the current settings as default.


Category – Item Name





When Show Page Background is deselected, this field gets enabled. Set a color for the area outside of the view boundary in the Viewport. Click the drop-down icon and specify a new color.

Effect on Outside View Area

Select one from:

None – it is the regular look with no effect. It is the default.

Fog – it shows the semi-transparent fog/smoke screen effect.

Clipping – it hides parts outside of the Viewport.

Fog Transparency

When Fog is selected for Effect on Outside View Area, this field gets enabled. Set the transparency of fog by dragging the slider.

View Boundary Color

When Show Page Background is deselected, this field gets enabled. Set a color of the area of the View Bounds. Click the drop-down icon and specify a new color.

Hide View Boundary

The View Boundary is indicated in the blue frame when Show Page Background is on. The View Boundary is indicated in the black frame with a fill color set in the View Boundary Color when Show Page Background is off. Select to hide the View Boundary.

Show Page Background

When this option is selected, the View Boundary is shown along the 2D page boundary with objects behind the 3D Model object as the background. When this is not selected, the View Boundary only is shown as the background providing the Hide View Boundary is not selected.

Show Navigation Cube

Hide or show the navigation cube.

Show Axis Triad

Hide or show the Axis Triad.

Load 3D Model at 2D Zoom Level

When this option is selected, the 3D Edit Mode will open the Viewport at the same level as the 2D zoom level. Otherwise, it will open fitting to the screen by default.



Assembly Selection Color

When the Assembly Group Selection mode is on, selected assembly groups will be highlighted in this color. Click the drop-down icon and specify a new color.

Part Selection Color

When the Assembly Group selection is off, selected parts will be highlighted in this color. Click the drop-down icon and specify a new color.

Highlight Color

When you hover a part, the part will be highlighted in this color. Click the drop-down icon and specify a new color.

Show Selection Bounding Boxes

Hide or show the bounding boxes when you select a part or parts.

Show Highlight Bounding Boxes

Hide or show the bounding boxes when you hover a part.

World Orientation

Change the world orientation: X+, Y+, Z+, X-, Y-, or Z-. When you know in which world orientation the current 3D Model is originally created, you can select it so that View’s orientation will match.


When a part is selected, it looks like this.



Category – Item Name




Instance Name

Instance name that is loaded from the 3D Model file will be listed if available.


The color that is applied to the selected part in the 3D Model file will be listed until you apply a new color. You can apply a new color to the selection by clicking the pop-up icon .


The opacity that is applied to the selected part in the 3D Model file will be listed until you apply a new opacity. You can apply a new opacity to the selection from 1% to 100%.

User Properties



Items available varies from one 3D Model to another. Only when the 3D Model file contains “non-blank” values of user properties, they will be listed. Some of the examples may be PartNumber, Revision, Definition, Nomenclature, Description, or any other user-defined properties.
Values of user properties are not editable, but can be copied to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C.

Custom Properties


Part URL

When generating URLs on parts, generated URL will appear here. Please refer to: Generating URLs on Parts.


When multiple parts are selected, if values are the same among the selection, such values will be shown up in Instance Name, Color and Opacity fields. Otherwise, it is blank.


When an offset line is selected, it looks like this.


Category – Item Name


Offset Line


Show Offset Line

Select this checkbox when you want to show the offset line from the selected part’s neutral positions to the moved parts. For details, please refer to: Displaying Offset (Path) Lines. When this checkbox is selected, the following options can be set.

Drawn on Top

Select this checkbox when you want to have the offset line drawn over the selected parts. Otherwise, the offset line will be drawn behind the selected parts.

Construct Mode

Select a mode from: Real PathBased on Local Axis, or Based on World Axis. When you select either Based on Local Axis or Based on World Axis, you can set Axes Order and Close Path options.

Axes Order

Select an axes order from: XYZXZYYZXYXZZXYZYX. Offset lines will be drawn in a selected axes order from the neutral positions to the selected parts.

Close Path

Select this checkbox when you want to have the offset line paths closed. When this option is selected, the start and end points will be connected by the straight line.


Set the color of offset lines.


Set the opacity of offset lines.

Line Weight

Set the line weight of offset lines from 1 to 100.

Dash Style

Select a dash style from: SolidDash DotDashedDottedDash Dot DotDash Dot Dot DotLong DashLong Dash Short DashFine Dot.

Start Cap

Select a start cap from: NoneRoundCrossArrowMedium ArrowThin ArrowDiamond.

End Cap

Select an end cap from: NoneRoundCrossArrowMedium ArrowThin ArrowDiamond.

Cap Size

Set the cap size of offset lines from 1 to 100. This setting will be applied to both ends.


When a cutting plane is selected, it looks like this.

Category – Item Name


Cutting Plane



Select this option to hide the parts being cut by cutting planes. Deselect this to show the parts being cut by cutting planes.

Plane visibility

Select to hide the cutting plane.


Set the opacity of the cutting plane. When the opacity is 0%, you cannot see the cutting plane.


Set the color of the cutting plane.


When you create X, Y, or Z cutting plane, it will be indicated accordingly. Otherwise, “User-defined” is displayed.


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