Generating URLs on Parts

Generating URLs on Parts

Generating URLs on Parts

You can define a URL string format and assign generated URLs to selected or all parts automatically.

To Assign URLs to Parts

  1. Select parts when you want to assign URLs only to them. Otherwise, deselect all.

  2. Click Generate URLs in the 3D Edit tab of the Ribbon.

  3. Define a URL string format by typing texts and using the preset strings. Properties can be used as {variables}.

  4. Click View Example to check how some of the generated URLs look like.

  5. Click OK.

To Check URLs Assigned

Do one of the following:

  • Open the 3D Properties pane. Select a part that you want to check the URL.

  • Select Hyperlink Pointer from the Select drop-list. Mouse over a part that you want to check the URL.



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