Canvas Envision Creator - User Interface Overview

Envision Creator - Interface Overview

Interface Overview

This section provides an overview of the Canvas Envision interface and describes the basic procedures:

Overview of the Canvas Envision Interface

Canvas Envision has the Ribbon, the Panes, the Page Layout area and the Status bar.

Canvas Envision Window

The Canvas Envision interface contains 10 main components, providing you with a Page Layout area as the main area for working on your illustrations, the Ribbon and a variety of panes with the options you need. Depending on your Canvas Envision customizations, your interface may look different than what you see in the image below.

You can customize the interface in several ways, such as by hiding the Ribbon, Rulers, Panes, and Status bar. All pages share the Ribbon, Panes, and Status bar. You can switch between open Canvas Envision documents using the Switch Windows in the View tab of the Ribbon or in the Status bar.


Quick Access Toolbar

You can quickly access to: Save, Save and Sync, Undo, and Redo.


Ribbon Tabs

You can switch the Ribbon categories by clicking each tab. When selecting some objects, the contextual tabs may appear at the most right side.



It has controls that are categorized by panels.



There are 7 or 8 panes with the Cloud Service. You can hide or autohide, dock them to organize, or make them floating in the Page Layout area.


Page Layout area

The main working area for creating illustrations and page layouts.


Status bar

Displays the status and properties of the currently selected page, object or objects.


Zoom controls

Use these controls to zoom in and out on a page.


Document switch controls

You can switch from the current document to another open document.


Navigation tools

Zoom tool, Pan tool, and Select tool; these tools will be always available in the Status bar.



The gray space around the Page Layout area is known as the pasteboard. The pasteboard is additional working space where you can place objects before using them in an illustration, for instance. Objects on the pasteboard are saved in EVDOC, but they will not be printed.


Sing In (with the Cloud Service)

You can sign in the Cloud in order to save or open from the Cloud.


After manually reducing Canvas Envision's main window, you can restore it to full screen mode by clicking the Maximize icon  at the right side of the Title bar. Otherwise, Canvas Envision will remember your last set dimensions.


To Hide or Show the Ribbon

Do one of the following:

  • Click the icon that is located at the top right side of the screen.

  • Hide the RibbonShow the Ribbon

  • Press Ctrl+F1 to toggle the state between “show” and “hide”.

To Show or Hide the Panes and Status Bar

Select or deselect an appropriate checkbox from the Panes panel in the View tab of the Ribbon.


You can hide each pane by clicking X icon in the pane’s Title bar or click  icon in the pane’s Title bar and select Hide from the drop-down list.


To Arrange Panes in Screen

  1. Drag the pane that you want to arrange to the top, bottom, left or right side of the application window.

  2. You will see the docking controls.






  1. When the mouse pointer hovers one of the controls, the pale blue rectangle appears as docking preview. When it is what you want, release the mouse button on the given docking control.

To Arrange Panes into Another Pane

  1. Drag the pane that you want to arrange over another pane.

  2. You will see the docking controls on the pane.

  3. When the mouse pointer hovers one of the controls, the pale blue rectangle appears as docking preview. When it is what you want, release the mouse button on the given docking control.

When you mouse over the center control, the pale blue rectangle does not appear as docking preview. However, when you release the mouse button, the pane will dock as a tab in the specified pane.


To Hide or Show Title Bars of Docked Panes

  1. Right-click on the docked pane of which you want to hide the Title bar.

  2. Select Menu Bar from the context menu to hide the Title bar.

  3. Deselect Menu Bar to show the Title bar.

When more than one pane is docked as tabs, hiding the Title bar of one pane will hide others as well. In that case, Right-click at the tab and select Menu Bar to show the Title bar for all.

To Make the Pane Floating

  1. Right-click on the Pane’s Title bar that you want to make floating.

  2. Select Floating from the context menu.

When the panes are docked another pan as tabs, you can drag the tab out of the docked pane to the Page Layout area.

To Hide or Show Status bar

Deselect the Status Bar checkbox from the Panes panel in the View tab of the Ribbon to hide the Status bar. Select the checkbox to show the Status bar.

To Add or Remove Items from Status Bar

  1. Select the Status Bar checkbox at the Panes panel in the View tab of the Ribbon if it is not shown.

  2. Right-click on the Status bar.

  3. Select or deselect the items from the pop-up list.

To Minimize Main Window

Click the Minimize icon that is located at the right side of the application Title bar.

To open the minimize application window, click the application icon in the Windows Taskbar.


To Resize Main Window

  1. Drag down at the application Title bar.

  2. Mouse over one of the 4 sides of the application window.

  3. When the mouse pointer changes to  or  , drag the side to resize.

To maximize the resized application window, click the Maximize icon in the application Title bar. Click one more time to restore the resized application window.



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