Envision Creator - Using Context Sensitive Menus

Envision Creator - Context Sensitive Menus

Using Context-Sensitive Menus

Canvas Envision has context menus that you can pop up in the Page Layout area or inside the panes, giving you quick access to necessary commands. The menus are context-sensitive; the available commands depend on the current operation or situation.

Choose common editing commands, such as Cut, Copy and Paste, when an object is selected. Other commands are available when an object is in Edit mode, e.g., path-editing commands appear in the context menu when you edit a vector object.

When no objects are selected, you can choose commands such as Select All. If the Clipboard contains objects or text, you can choose Paste.

Some commands are only available in context menus. Such commands do not have icons at the left side of the commands in general.


To Display the Context Menu in the Page Layout Area

  1. Do one of the following:

  • Deselect all.

  • Select a object or objects in the Page Layout area.

  • Put a Text object in the text edit mode.

  • Put a Vector object in the path edit mode.

  1. Right-click.

Some Examples of the Context Menus in the Page Layout Area:

No objects are selected.



One object is selected.


In path edit mode.


To Display the Context Menu in Panes

  1. Open a pane.

  2. Right-click inside the pane.


Some Examples of the Context Menus in Panes:

Inside the Page Navigator pane




Inside the Inks pane


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