Creating Table of Parts

Creating Table of Parts

Creating Table of Parts

You can create a simple, static table from the 3D Models.

A table will be created in the fixed font attributes:

  • font: Arial, font size: 12, Left Aligned

  • Bold in black for the Total row

  • Italic in blue for Assembly Groups

Any tables will be created using the current default stroke, dash, pen color, fill color, and text color.

To Create a Table from the 3D Model

  1. Select a 3D Model that you want to create a table from

  2. Click Create Table from the 3D Model contextual tab of the Ribbon.

    Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

  3. Select one from the Source drop-list in the Create Table dialog box:

  • Annotated Parts Only

  • Viewable Parts (this is different from Shown/Hidden state; rather, pixels of parts are drawn in the object scene.)

  • All Parts with Groups

  • All Parts without Groups

  1. When you want to include sub-assemblies in the table, select the Include Parts in Subassemblies checkbox.

  2. When you want to exclude hidden (not Shown) parts in the table, select the Exclude Invisible Parts checkbox. Ghosted or Transparent parts are not counted for this.


Include Parts in Subassemblies

Exclude Invisible Parts

Annotated Parts Only



Viewable Parts



All Parts with Groups



All Parts without Groups




  1. Click the  icon to add a column. Up to 12-column table can be created including Blank columns.

  2. Click the  icon to delete a column or columns.

  3. Select an item from the drop-down list for each column.



Item No. 

Serial numbers will be generated by code.

Instance Name

This value will be loaded from the 3D Model file.


When Annotated Parts Only is selected, you can select this instead of Instance Name. Values will be annotation texts such as 1, 2, 3…, A, B, C…, Names, Instance Names, or Labels.


This will be the count of the same parts based on Name per assembly group. (Quantity cells of assembly groups will be blank.)

Custom Properties

Custom Properties are available in the selected 3D Model and varies. There is no guarantee that all parts or assembly groups have their values.


It is for a blank column in case that you want to add values manually.


  1. Click OK to create the table.

  • When the number of table rows is over 50, table objects of 50 increments will be created with the header separately. They will be placed offset by the width of the table object.

  • The “Total” row will be generated except for Annotated Parts Only.

  • Assembly Root item will be added for the All Parts with Groups with Include Parts in Subassemblies selected.

  • When a resulted table contains unnecessary top-level group nodes, you can adjust the Start from level.

  • When the Include Parts in Subassemblies checkbox is selected, sub-assembly items will be listed under their parent assembly groups being indented by “space – space” per level.

    1st Level: XXXXX

    2nd Level: - XXXXX

    3rd Level:    - XXXXX

  • When the Include Parts in Subassemblies checkbox is selected, numbering will be like:

    1st Level: 1, 2, 3…

    2nd Level: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3…

    3rd Level: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3…


Since the table created is static at the time of creation, when the annotations associated to the 3D Model are edited or the 3D Model file is updated later, a new table has to be created again to reflect such changes.

To Resize the Tables

  1. Select a table that you want to resize.

  2. Shift + drag at one of the 4 corners of the table object to resize the table proportionally including texts.

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