Creating Animation Path

Creating Animation Path

Creating Animation Path

You can show a continuous path of a part being transformed in an animation as “Animation Path”.

To Create Animation Path

1.       Set the position of the Timeline Frame bar in the Animation Timeline pane.

2.       Select a part or parts that you want to show the Animation Paths in the Viewport.

3.       Transform the selection.

4.       Click Add Location Key in the Animation Timeline pane.


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5.       Click Create Animation Path in the Ribbon.

Graphical user interface, application, logo, company name

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6.       Repeat step 3 and 4 as needed.

Animation Paths appear like Offset Lines in the Viewport.


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Animation Paths are also listed in the Assembly Tree pane. You can select an Animation Path or Paths in the Viewport or in the Assembly Tree pane.

Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A picture containing text

Description automatically generated

Animation Paths are viewable in the Animation mode.

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