Creating Animation from 3D Model

Creating Animation from 3D Model

Creating Animation from 3D Model

You can create animations from the selected 3D Models. 3D Animations can be played in the Presentation mode of the desktop application or when the EVDOC is viewed on the Envision Cloud.

Sample Video

To Create Animation

1.       Click Create 3D Animation from the Items panel in the Insert tab of the Ribbon.

A picture containing shape

Description automatically generated

2.       Select a 3D Model file in the Load 3D Model for Animation dialog box.

3.       Click Load . It switches to the 3D Animation Edit mode directly and the selected 3D Model will be displayed in the Viewport.

4.       The Animation Timeline pane is displayed at the bottom by default or at the last position.

5.       Create animation using the controls in the Animation Timeline pane.

A picture containing calendar

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6.       Move the Timeline Time Frame Bar to have the view in the Viewport used for the 3D Animation object’s thumbnail if needed.

7.       Click Exit in the Ribbon.

Graphical user interface, application

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The 3D Animation object is placed, based on the selected frame for the thumbnail image, on the current page.

You can resize 3D Animation object by dragging at the one of the corner handles on the bounding box.


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3D Animation object shows the animation mark  at the left top corner of its bounds. You can hide or show it by deselecting or selecting the Animation Marks checkbox at the Show & Enable panel in the View tab of the Ribbon.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

In the Status bar, the object type will be indicated as “3D Animation” when such object is selected.


A picture containing light

Description automatically generated

You can change the quality of the 3D Animation object’s image from the View Appearance panel in the 3D Animation contextual tab of the Ribbon.

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