Copying Transform from a Part to Other Parts

Copying Transform from a Part to Other Parts

Copying Transform from a Part to Other Parts

Sometimes you may want to transform some parts as you did to a particular part later. In such cases, you can use Copy Transform.

To Use Copy Transform

1.       Select a part.

2.       Transform it as you want to.

3.       Select other parts that you want to transform as you did at step 2.

4.       Click In World Coordinates from the Copy Transform drop-down list in the 3D Edit tab of the Ribbon.

Graphical user interface, application, Word

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5.       Mouse over to the part at step 1.

6.       Click the part to confirm the copy of the transformation to the selection.



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Between 2 Part transforms the selected parts based on the transformation by selecting the starting and ending coordinate systems of two parts.

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